World Battlefronts: Burma Looks Up


December 11, 1944 12:00 AM GMT-4

More Allied supplies were flowing into Burma last week than ever before—more than twice as much as a year ago. Result: the Japanese were in retreat. A local success could not dispel the gloom over China’s plight (see above), but it did demonstrate that when U.S.-trained Chinese troops got the tools, they knew how to do the job.

Lieut. General Daniel I. Sultan’s forces made a 40-mile advance below surrounded Bhamo, threatened to cut in behind Jap troops retreating from the Salween and had a chance to clear the whole blocked sector of the Burma Road.

To the west of Bhamo, British forces chased the enemy back toward Mandalay in a retreat whose scale suggested that the Japs may have decided to pull out of northwest Burma entirely. But the enemy troops facing General Sultan’s men were fighting stubborn delaying actions.
