There are two bosses named Godrick you'll face in 'Elden Ring': the Soldier of Godrick and Godrick the Grafted. Here's what to do after beating them.
The Land Between can be a confusing place to navigate as newcomers delve into FromSoftware's newest title Elden Ring. While a game as open-world as Elden Ring is a delight to many, it can also be intimidating to others who are diving into titles this difficult for the first time.
Most of the bosses you'll face against in the game's 50+ hour-long campaign will be difficult to defeat — and there are actually two different Godricks to get past. Here's what to do after defeating both.
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The Soldier of Godrick is the second boss you'll come across in the game (should you choose to complete the the tutorial at the Cave of Knowledge). While he may seem intimidating upon first glance, he actually is decently easy to defeat. The whole purpose of facing off against him is to get the hang of your weapons and moves, so take your time with this one.
Godrick is the last part of the tutorial, and so long as you've defeated the other enemies in the tutorial section, you can exit to Limgrave.
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To do this, turn left at the glowing tree and exit through the doors. It's important to note, though, that you'll have to have the game completely downloaded to do this. If you try to leave through the doors after only downloading enough to start the game, you'll be barred from going any further.
Once you exit the Stranded Graveyard and make your way to Limgrave, you can touch the first Site of Grace and follow the light to begin your Elden Ring adventure!
You'll encounter Godrick the Grafted after you complete the first Legacy Dungeon and Stormveil Castle, but many players have found once they've completed the intense boss battle that they're uncertain what to do from here.
In case you haven't done this already, be sure to unlock the Site of Grace that appears at the end of the boss battle to not only save your progress but replenish your stats.
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Your next stop should be the throne room, where you may find a prisoner stomping on the remains of Godrick you left behind (depending on if you spoke to him earlier). Navigate to the door on the left, exiting through it and into Stormveil's throne room.
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From here, you should be able to exit the building and into Liurnia, which is the next area you'll want to explore. While there is no set path for this game, if you're looking to have any sort of natural progression in this game, this is the path you'll want to take, as the enemies should be appropriately skilled for your current expected level.
If you're not sure if you're ready to dive into this next area, you can also go back and level up before venturing further. The game's Wiki page also has an outlined list of levels you should have achieved before navigating to specific areas.
In Liurnia, there will be more Legacy Dungeons to defeat as you make your way to the Raya Lucaria Academy, which should be your next goal. Just remember: When in doubt, follow the light.
Elden Ring is now available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.